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Werner's house in Prayatna community

This retrospective exhibition celebrates and makes you experience Werner’s considerable work.
Both in Germany and in his time in Auroville.

We tried to capture and protect for posterity the feeling that Werner was aiming to create with his designs by making videos and stills that evoke the totality of his designs and wish to immerse you in the buildings, their plans, pictures and videos.

Aurodesign office & expo in Prayatna

Werner’s architecture office from where Prayatna and the other projects were planned and executed was located in Prayatna as well.

It contained an office, a common kitchen, store room, and an expo room annex ping-pong room.

Art, beauty and style were present everywhere.

Two studios were built on top of the office and connected by a fly-over. A common space for inhabitants to use since the private space was kept deliberately small. 

One studio was meant for the manager of Aurodesign and one for the artist in residence who would spend months preparing projects to be exhibited in the expo room.

We finished the spaces as much as possible with the materials that were present on site 

and the money that Werner left us gracefully 

by his brother Rainer and his sister Erika

View from Werner’s house to the office

Our video director having lunch in the kitchen with Panjali 

An extra grill was added to the store room in Werner’s style guided and made by Muthu

Prayatna Expo & Ping Pong space

The big expo wall before and after restoration

Prayatna Studios & clinic

Adventure Cremation grounds

Werner designed the Auroville cremation grounds at Auroville’s Adventure community where he was laid to rest himself.

Kallallipet temple

Aranya temple